iveth's photo


I am ivice, I love designing and crafting beautiful things.
Welcome to ivicescorner, which is a collection of my Paint Shop Pro Tag tutorials.
Here you will find tips and lessons from beginners, right through advanced students,

My lessons had been tested on PSP9, 10, 11,12 and Corel PSPX7.
I will also use JASC Animation Shop 3 and plugins.
All materials or links to resources will be provided.

..:: How I Started

I started using PSP7 version back in 2002. There were very few teachers online at the time,
but my love for pixels took me into a journey of exploration where I not only learned the techniques,
but developed the enthusiasm to teach what I had learnt on my own.

..::2005 My first PSP Community

Following that enthusiam, my first community came to be in 2005,
I started teaching friends and then friend’s of friends. Very soon my collection of tutorials started to grow.

.:: 2006 My first website 

By 2006 the whole collection was moved into a website and my advanced tutorials translated into English.

..:: 2007 My second website 

My second website came around in 2007. Eventually, the advance and intermedial level tutorials
were also translated into Dutch
by Lissete from “Moonlight Designs”  HERE.

..:: 2015  

Although I already moved into some other areas of Graphic design and I no longer write PSP tutorials,
I feel very humble knowing that there is still websites sharing my tutorials around and people looking for them,
so I have decided to keep my lessons online upgrade the website into a mobile friendly version,
for all those who could still can benefit from this material.

Thank you so much to everyone who after all these years
are still supporting me, sharing my tutorials and sending me love emails in my inbox.

You are all so awesome!!!

Thank you , Many Blessings and don’t forget

loVE iS tHe WaY

Love is the way_ivice

..:: You can now find me here

I craft beautiful things:

I design original Graphics and Websites:

I am in Facebook: